Dental Bridge Collingswood, NJ

Dental bridges are a reliable solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring your smile’s appearance and function. Our dental practice in Collingswood, NJ, specializes in crafting custom restorations, including dental bridges that blend seamlessly with your natural teeth. Whether you’ve lost a tooth due to injury, decay, or other reasons, dental bridges can help fill the gap and prevent surrounding teeth from shifting out of place.

Dental Bridges in Collingswood, NJ

A dental bridge is a prosthetic device that replaces one or more missing teeth by bridging the gap between adjacent teeth. It consists of one or more artificial teeth (pontics) anchored to crowns placed on the teeth adjacent to the gap (abutment teeth). This creates a literal bridge across the space where teeth are missing, restoring both the appearance and functionality of your smile.

Dental Bridge in Collingswood, NJ

Types of Dental Bridges

  • Traditional Dental Bridges: Traditional bridges are the most common type and are used when there are natural teeth on either side of the gap created by the missing tooth. The pontic (artificial tooth) is fused between two dental crowns, which are cemented onto the abutment teeth. This type of bridge is durable and stable, making it a reliable choice for many patients.
  • Cantilever Bridges: We use cantilever bridges when there are adjacent teeth on only one side of the missing tooth or teeth. A single dental crown supports the pontic. We cement it to one abutment tooth. While not as common as traditional bridges, cantilever bridges can be a good option in specific situations where there is only one adjacent tooth available for support.
  • Maryland Bridges (Resin-Bonded Bridges): Maryland bridges consist of a pontic held in place by a metal or porcelain framework that bonds onto the backs of the abutment teeth. Unlike traditional bridges, Maryland bridges do not require crowns on the adjacent teeth. This makes them a more conservative option. We typically use these to replace front teeth.

Implant Supported Bridge

Whenever possible, Dr. Wahl will recommend the placement of a dental implant or an implant-supported bridge. Dental implants provide key benefits for long-term oral health. They also restore natural function so patients can eat and speak without restriction or difficulty. Dental implants can replace a single lost tooth and are the preferred tooth replacement method when there are adjacent healthy teeth. An implant is placed in the missing spot in your smile, and there is no need to degrade healthy teeth to place dental crowns to support an appliance. 

Benefits of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges offer significant benefits for patients seeking to restore their smile and improve oral function. By filling gaps left by missing teeth, bridges enhance the aesthetic appearance of your smile and support proper chewing and speaking abilities. They help maintain the natural shape of your face and prevent neighboring teeth from shifting out of place, which can lead to bite problems and further tooth loss. With their durability and stability, dental bridges provide a long-lasting solution that can boost your confidence and oral health for years.

The Dental Bridge Procedure

  1. Consultation and Treatment Planning: During your initial consultation, Dr. Wahl will examine your oral health, discuss your treatment goals, and determine the type of dental bridge most suitable for you or the placement of a dental implant. X-rays and impressions of your teeth may be taken to ensure precise fabrication of your custom bridge.
  2. Preparation of Abutment Teeth: To prepare the abutment teeth for crowns, Dr. Wahl removes a small portion of enamel to accommodate the crowns that will hold the bridge in place. This step ensures a secure fit and proper alignment of the bridge.
  3. Impressions and Fabrication: Once we prepare the abutment teeth, we will take impressions of your teeth to create a mold for the dental laboratory. We create your custom bridge based on these impressions, ensuring a precise fit and natural appearance.
  4. Placement of the Bridge: During your final appointment, Dr. Wahl will place and adjust the dental bridge to ensure proper fit and bite alignment. Our team permanently cements the bridge into place, restoring your smile’s function and aesthetics.